
5 Dental Email Marketing Strategies for Exceptional Patient Engagement

August 7, 2021
January 26, 2024
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Every dentist knows how important it is to stay in touch with their patients. Email marketing is a great way to connect with your patients and promote the services you offer. It’s also an excellent method for acquiring new patients. With that in mind, we’ve compiled some email ideas and strategies that will help you reach out to your audience more effectively!

1. Reminders and Confirmations

Dental email marketing template

New technologies in the dental field are always evolving and changing, which is why it may be time to think outside of the box when sending appointment reminders.

A recent study has found that adding personalization to an email appointment reminder increases the chance of attendance. Your patients will appreciate a little extra effort in their inboxes on occasion, and you can offer them something new as well by including videos about oral hygiene tips such as flossing or how to keep teeth white between cleanings.

2. Dedicated Emails

Dental email marketing ideas
Source: Lady Lake Smiles

How often do you send promo emails to your list?

Dedicated emails are promotional messages that highlight a single promotion or offer to encourage people to take advantage of the deal. An example would be an offer for a free whitening treatment, which is perfect for dormant patients who haven’t been in a while and want new memories before they share them on social media.

3. Newsletters

Source: Dr. Nicks White and Healthy

Newsletters are a great way to keep in contact with your patients and make them feel like they’re part of the family.

Newsletters should be sent out about once per quarter, though this is largely dependent on how many new procedures you offer or if there was anything major is going on that year. If not, then it can be every other month or as infrequently as once every six months. The key here is to stay consistent, so people know when their next newsletter will arrive.

Some ideas for newsletters include:

  • A dental news update
  • Tips & tricks for maintaining oral health at home
  • New at-home dental care tools

4. Lead Nurturing Emails

Lead nurturing emails are sent to prospective patients and differ from dedicated ones. The goal is to inform readers about your healthcare practice and convince them that it’s the right place for their dental care needs. T

hese carefully timed sequences usually come attached with a free offer – such as a cleaning or consultation session.

5. New Blog Distribution

Blogs are a great way to broadcast your latest content.

Emails announcing new blog posts may then be sent as frequently as you’d like but are commonly sent weekly, bi-weekly or monthly when there is more than one piece of content in different categories for patients to enjoy. However, you should ensure that the blogs are relevant and cater specifically to what type of buyer persona is receiving them—keeping these things in mind will ensure success as opposed to time-wasted crafting messages no one wants.

The Bottom Line

If you want to maximize your chances of success with email marketing for your healthcare practice, it’s important that you maintain a regular presence online.

And don’t forget about branding! The more often someone sees your name and logo, the better they’ll know who is behind those messages—which means higher retention rates for patients over time.

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